This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

27 December 2020

Vpon ys day I receiued a missiue of Virilis of Virel containing neuus of ye death of Kudrun ye Pilgrim, who died vpon Chrismas Eue. Et she was said to be found by ye watch after Virilis or some other noted that Kudrun was not responding to any call for her. ET it was said yt she passed peacefully in her bed. 7 though I am glad she passed peacefully, I can not help but cry. Et so also have I had news of one to whom I have given succor; she has died of ye plague that speeds through these new kingdoms, on ye day before Christmas Eve. Et I would also note herein, though it be some while since I had ye news, yt Master Iohn ye Artificer, of whom I bought many books and pigments, hath also died, but yere was so lttle said of it that I know naught of his circumstance. I can only be sad yt he is gone. Indeed, it has been a most terrible year, for I have lost many friends and people under my care owing to ye plague, and rage to see fools who deny its deadliness. Yere is no Kyng more terrible yn Death.


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