This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

07 July 2005

On this day, I did learn of a certainty of the way to apply a cloth in design; I was earlier mistaught and am most grateful for this correction. So also did I set my hand to the decorating of a veil, of black velvet, trimmed in silke, et wrought with beads and pearls. Mistress Bronwyn did arrive with her seruant Iessica. We did also spend some time amongst the household of Leif et Astrid, Viscountes of the old kyngdome, and there we did meet many whom we were well pleased to see, including the Prince born far hence, in Nihon, called by the Venitian Marco Polo by name of Chipangu.


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