This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

08 July 2006

On ys day, I did spend some little while in viewing ye sundrie tourneys taking place afore noon. So also did I view ye offerings of ye stalls: My lady Margaret supervised the dyers et did put her hand to ye work herself; I did note her dying silk blue and thought the color passing fair. In ye companie of the lord Ivan, I did sit wh several ladies and turn mine own hand vnto embroidery, taking to the fancy of a slip embroidered in ye olden et ancient ways and applied to ye baybee's coat, and so ye baybee shall play at being a Norman. So also did I listen to ye kyng's chorus at rehearsal; I wept for the hearing of it.

At eventide, ye Crown did hold court and give many gifts vnto their subiects, raising the estate of many, but most particularly of ye baroness of Jararvellir et the lady Katriona, now both greatly higher in their magesties esteem, for both are made peers of ye realm.

My lord Miguel returneth thereafter, and I most relieved.


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