This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

14 August 2006

On the Feast of Saint Merewenna, whom I do yet honor as all my countrymen, my Lord Miguel 7 I traveld vnto ye faire at Bristol; the Quene and many of her nobles were there, making merrie and commanding such sports and jests as might please them. My Lord and I caused a message to be sent vnto our good couzins which art away at the behest of the crowns of the Newe Kingdoms, tarrying at ye Pennsic Jousts, teazing et telling ym of ye excellent mead and tobacco we sampled--alas, some attending ye faire drank overmuch and lolled in ye strets as grete drunkards. We did not stay long near the Quene, but went about our business, for there was great variety in both the stalls of merchants and the minstrels and players of ye streets, and our time short. I did contract of Anne Grey a special pot yt I may use to seeth infusions of herbs to be decorated with my arms, with sundy pots and cups as are needed to serve forth ye medicines, to be delivered upon ye occassion of ye day of Arbeau. So also did I spend some time within ye bookselleres stall; I bought *ij* books of pattern, yt I might gift vnto my tailor for ye fashioning of goodly clothing like yt of Her Magesty et so also a book of receipts for mine own collection. My Lord purchashed of ye tanner a quantity of leather, I know not for what purpose. And so we returned to ye estate, and to bed.


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