Vpon ye day before Saint Gregory's eve, I set forth to ye shire of Rokeclife, there to meet wh sundry friends. My iourney was delayed, for I too tired upon ye end of my time at ye Earle's chancery to take to the road. But I trauelled without incident et found yt my woman, Margaret Fitzwilliam, had seen to the settling of a place for me, yt I might but step within et sleep had I mind to do so. 7 vpon at last arriving, I visited with my Lady Margaret, 7 Mistress Giovanna, et of course my Laurel, Bronwyn 7 her Lord, Master Calvin. 7 we spent ye day in merry discourse et ye eve in our cups, although I took little, having no head for such drink after so long a iourney.
And I was much taken by ye way in which Mistress Giovanna instructed her cooks, and found ye meal prepared to be well seasoned. Et I received of Giovanna a gift of stockings knit, a set for me et a set for Curnan, et so also a gift of olives et other fruits from Bronwyn, et I most grateful to both of yse grete Ladies.
Et upon ye next day, I departed from yt place and betook me vnto ye far manor, yt is, Wylcliffe, et saw to ye work being undertaken by my Lord's man, Christopher, who doth repair such parts of ye manor house as were damaged in ys last bitter winter et yese grete rains of these last months. & whilst there, I did note yt some of ye upper field hath been washed away by ye floods of ye last fortnight. Et I rested some while in ye care of James et Catrin, et thereafter to ye long iourney back to Marihaus.
And I was much taken by ye way in which Mistress Giovanna instructed her cooks, and found ye meal prepared to be well seasoned. Et I received of Giovanna a gift of stockings knit, a set for me et a set for Curnan, et so also a gift of olives et other fruits from Bronwyn, et I most grateful to both of yse grete Ladies.
Et upon ye next day, I departed from yt place and betook me vnto ye far manor, yt is, Wylcliffe, et saw to ye work being undertaken by my Lord's man, Christopher, who doth repair such parts of ye manor house as were damaged in ys last bitter winter et yese grete rains of these last months. & whilst there, I did note yt some of ye upper field hath been washed away by ye floods of ye last fortnight. Et I rested some while in ye care of James et Catrin, et thereafter to ye long iourney back to Marihaus.
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