This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

10 August 2007

On ys ye day of Laurence ye Martyr, I made my last visit to ye market et purchased a toy for Curnan et two trinkets to be giuen unto Isobel et her Lord from Claus ye toymaker et a new stylus for my waxed tablet from Hal Raeburn, having purchased already a new fry pan from Eadric ye potter et a portable bow rest from Danr ye Smith ye day before and thus buying those things which were needed. I found no thing needed at any of ye apothecaries or spicers or merchers, and am sorry yt no new goods were to be found, but so also am I glad to have mine own coin still within my purse.

Ye previous days have been dreadful, either so wet yt ye rains damage our clothing and beds even within our pavillion or so hot yt even I thought to wear nothing but shert et trews et found myself staying within our encampment dressed in ye thinnest and least amount of ye clothing brought back from my trauels amongst ye Turks. In ys time, I did little but sleep, read and confer with ye others of ye encampment during ye days, et to visit other nobles after ye sunset. 7 may it please God, never again shall I endure such miserable weather as is to be found in yese New Kingdoms.


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