Vpon ye commemoration of Petronilla, I noted yt *ij* of ye apples show growth vpon ye graft-branch, and am most pleased by yt. Of ye remaining *ij*, which suffereth at ye treatment of ye cur, yr is growth vpon ye rootstock but vpon ye grafts, none. Yet I will stay awhile, et let them remain, thinking yt the root may be regrafted vpon ye next year if no thing may show vpon ye graft now thereon.
Et vpon the day of ye martyr, Iustin, my Lord et I trauelled vnto ye inn of ye Holy Day yt I might meet wh Baldwen de Foxvale, whom I loveth as a brother, hauing received of him a message yt prayed I attend vpon him yr whilst he staid thereat vpon his master's bidding. Et so we supped et spent ye evening at great pleasure in talking, although my Lord did overwhelm Baldwen with his enthusiasm for advising how Baldwen might advise his master vpon his business.
Vpon ye feast of ye venerable Bede, I set ye cook to prepare a great store of food in preparation for my Lord's return from his business, et said cook prepared many delights, including ye use of an India hen, a bird of ye New Kingdoms, ye which I have heard of in ye letters received from my couzins Lisle , which I found mild and wholesome.
Et vpon the day of ye martyr, Iustin, my Lord et I trauelled vnto ye inn of ye Holy Day yt I might meet wh Baldwen de Foxvale, whom I loveth as a brother, hauing received of him a message yt prayed I attend vpon him yr whilst he staid thereat vpon his master's bidding. Et so we supped et spent ye evening at great pleasure in talking, although my Lord did overwhelm Baldwen with his enthusiasm for advising how Baldwen might advise his master vpon his business.
Vpon ye feast of ye venerable Bede, I set ye cook to prepare a great store of food in preparation for my Lord's return from his business, et said cook prepared many delights, including ye use of an India hen, a bird of ye New Kingdoms, ye which I have heard of in ye letters received from my couzins Lisle , which I found mild and wholesome.
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