This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

20 April 2007

Vpon ys day I received of ye Baroness ye news yt ye Lord Donato hath died; et I sorrowe to learn of it, 7 said prayers in rememberance of him and his lady wyfe, Ayesha, who I had held in great esteem.

Et so also did I receive injury whilst riding in my carriage, there being a cart behind me and unable to stop before stiking me. Et so I sent for one of ye sheriff's men, and caused him to record ye name of ye cart driver, et I to home to bed, for ye sufferings made me fit for naught else.


Blogger Liz said...

Good cousin,

My heart pains upon receiving word of your misfortune. Prithy send me word of your health that I may be at ease.


2:01 PM  
Blogger ecb said...

Unto mine own dear gossip,

I am marvelous tender across my back and am bidden to lift nothing, but otherwise I fare well enow and will recover anon.

Be of good cheer, for all will pass, though I suffer discontent for the cost of repair to my carriage!


9:32 PM  

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