This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

22 February 2007

Vpon Ash Wednesday, I received a letter of the Weston manor, that I might obtain of ym certain apple trees for planting at Wylcliffe, and I am to visit ym come April to chose my trees. And so also haue I spoken to Richard ye Huntsman, yt I might arrange a hunt in ye fall, and am minded to purchase a new bow for the hunt. I have already sent forth instruction to the taylors to make a suit of clothing as is worthy of this pursuit.

This evening, I did send a man to obtain for vs a pye of Naples from ye Inn yt doth employ a cook from ye same city, and thereafter, my lord et I did little but read, each at our own studies.


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