This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

22 October 2006

Vpon the day of Arbeau, I travelled south, into ye shire of Rockwall. There did I attend vpon ye king 7 queen, having been called before ym as a member of yr Laurel council, 7 I spake my mind before ym. So also did I seke the lady Anne Grey to enquire after my seething pot, but I found her not. I spent some time in conversation wh Maestra Giovanna, who doth delight me, et so also with Gretje Crynes, who doth command her cooks well. And little but the running of the estate hath occupied me since that time. Michaelmas is past, and All Saints comes; on the morrow I must instruct my servants to finish gathering what fruits may be found yet in the fields and herb beds. I ate but a little erbolate this day, and am minded to put away what herbs as may be good physick.


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