This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

06 December 2006

On ys Feast of Saint Nicholas, we accompanied M. de Keith, who hath been abroad in ye Holy Roman Empire and hath returned home with a cook from Lower Saxony, to a meal in celebration of ye day. My lord Miguel and I ate with pleasure of the offerings and found it delightful.

So also on ys day did I receive of ye Lady Elaine Halevy a gift of sweet cakes made wh ye dark and flavorful powder she hath obtained from ye spicers and sometimes used by ye Italians.

On ye eve of ye feast of Nicholas, I had of ye Earle's chancery a small gift of sweetmeats, and have set ym to side yt I may serve ym forth on ye occasion of ye first night of Christmas, having received of Rosamund and Gerald ye news yt they, with my lord's sister, will travel from ye far estate 7 arrive here vpon yt date.


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