Vpon ys day, my Lord directed his man in ye removal of such goods as have been damaged in ye cellar owing to ye terrible floods of ys past *iij* days. 7 it may be yt they may be repaired but ye rains are fallng euen now 7 can not be predicted. 7 i hath seen my gardens and know ym much damaged, but ye raspberries sent by my Lady Margaret are rooting well still. Yet other herbs have been broken and driuen into ye ground and may not recover. 7 so it is yt ys straunge year hath done much damage to ye gardens at Marihaus.
Vpon ye feast of ye abbot, Petroc, I sent *c* soverigns vnto ye lords yt oversee ye markets, yt I may own thereof as well, et am on ys day most glad yt I have done so owing yt ye crops are so damaged by ye rains.
Et ye young lord Curnan hath had his *vj* birthday, et my lady daughter returned vpon ye eve of St Matthias in order to attend her son vpon his feast, et staid some while before returning to ye New Kingdom of AnTir.
Vpon ye day of Anthony of Florence, my Lord et I gathered ye young lord Curnan, et ye baybee, et attended vpon ye crown of ys New Kingdom in ye Tourney of Succession; et there I spake vnto many who gave me great pleasure, and recieve of my Lady Margaret, through the care of her Lord, some fair raspberries et mint to replace yt which was lost in ye winter. Et Curnan watched attentively et spake with many et was interested in all yt he saw, both ye rigors of war et ye work of commerce, 7 ye plesuntries of Court.
Vpon ye day called Crouchmas by ye French, I trauelled vnto ye Barony of Jararvellir et atended a day of learning, et there also spake with Giovanna et many others whom I love well. But here my hand is aching from ye weather et I can write no more, and so to bed.
Vpon ye feast of ye abbot, Petroc, I sent *c* soverigns vnto ye lords yt oversee ye markets, yt I may own thereof as well, et am on ys day most glad yt I have done so owing yt ye crops are so damaged by ye rains.
Et ye young lord Curnan hath had his *vj* birthday, et my lady daughter returned vpon ye eve of St Matthias in order to attend her son vpon his feast, et staid some while before returning to ye New Kingdom of AnTir.
Vpon ye day of Anthony of Florence, my Lord et I gathered ye young lord Curnan, et ye baybee, et attended vpon ye crown of ys New Kingdom in ye Tourney of Succession; et there I spake vnto many who gave me great pleasure, and recieve of my Lady Margaret, through the care of her Lord, some fair raspberries et mint to replace yt which was lost in ye winter. Et Curnan watched attentively et spake with many et was interested in all yt he saw, both ye rigors of war et ye work of commerce, 7 ye plesuntries of Court.
Vpon ye day called Crouchmas by ye French, I trauelled vnto ye Barony of Jararvellir et atended a day of learning, et there also spake with Giovanna et many others whom I love well. But here my hand is aching from ye weather et I can write no more, and so to bed.
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