This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

31 May 2005

At eventide, I received a missive of Maestra Arianna Llwyd, containing such instruction as she felt she might give regarding the construction of a dress for a masque. I read it most eagerly, and was marvelous surprised that she thought on the matter in much the same way as I. Thus it is a certainty that I shall set my servants to the task of the refurbishment of two dresses, that they may be used at the great entertainment the kyng has commanded two months hence.

So also did I set my hand to a letter intended for the eyes of the Heirs of our allies, offering up to them two documents created by my hand; it would please me greatly should they accept this gift, if it so pleaseth them.


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