This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

06 August 2008

On ys day, I moued from out ye encampment to watch some of ye iousts et to obtain those things which I might need in future, et so spent ye day amongst ye merchants in yr faire. Et in all I purchased a spoon of silverm et a knife et a simple Italian fork for ye table, et 5 ells of linen, et baubles for ye young lords. So also did I buy parchment. I could find no gift for my lady daughter or her companion. Et I spent much time in pleasaunt discorse with many of my acquaintence, including ye Master Eadric, et ye Countess Guenievre du Dragon Vert, 7 my lady Margaret's man, ye Lord Edwin atte Bridge, et ye Lord Dahrien Cordell and his lady wife Mistress Mysie. And many others. Et thereafter it was so late that I went willingly to bed.


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