On ys dya, I rose before my Lord, my Lady et her Lord, et walked through ye manor's grounds, visiting with those whom I chanced vpon, et I most spercifically recall a gentle named Killkeren, who was pleasing in conversation euen as he lamented ye continued sleep of hys sonnes. 7 I instructed my cooks on ye meal they were to prepare but broke my fast at ye inn, et again spoke in plesant ways with many who were there. 7 the sterard spoke with me to learn if ye rooms were now warm et I assured him yt they were. 7 I spent much time vpon ye archery range, et shor so long yt my back could no longer summon strenght enough to pull ye bow, and I most exceedingly pleased for having so long a time to practice at shot. & so also did I receive much instruction from THL Gasparo Ballister 7 the Baron Thomas Mac Paul ye Yonger, which also gave me great pleasure. But in ye evening I found my cook hgad fai.led to prepare ye meal as directed et I most wroth for ys mistake, et so went to attend ye Crown's court in hunger. Et my lord et I, after ye said court, walked among ye many people staying at ye manor and spent good time in discourse wh ye subjects of ye New Kingdom called Outlands. Et thence to our own rooms et to bed.
Dame Merouda Pendray
her chronicle
This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.
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