This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

25 March 2009

On ys day, I received news of the death of ye hosband of Cybele de Rowangrove, who had once a work commissioned of me by ye Coronet. And his name was David ye Thirsty, and though I knew him not, I am saddened yt one who was a good friend to many hath died.

Vpon ye day after the Feast of St. Benedict, I received ye new bow I hath commissioned, and it is of a weight yt many a man can not pull; I think none shall mete my worth less for being a woman in this hunt owning to my strength. And ys new bow came through ye bowyer of Westtown, 7 I am minded to send vnto Jack Flanders for new arrows to be delivered to me before I depart for ye Fesitval called Camelot to ye westernmost lands of ys New Kingdom.


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