This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

04 August 2009

On ys day, I moved from out ye encampment to visit ye merchaunts. 7 there I purchased some pins, 7 a bowl et a lantern from Eadric, et spices from ye spicer Arwen, et ate of fried turnips in a red vinegar sauce from a place called Noble's Inn.

7 so also did I meet with ye Viscountess Astrid, et her son et grandson, both goodly boys, 7 Mistraisse Malise & her hosbond Dahrien & her woman Dyonesia. 7 so also did I meet Baroness Katryn, but could not find Mistress Bronwyn, though I sent out many inquiries.


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