On ye day of St Augustine of Canturbury, I moued me to attend ye faire in Silfren Mere, a grete tournament of chiualry. 7 though I could not fight, I was exceeding pleased to be able to participate in a contest of skill at bow, but, alas, to my gret sorrow and grief, my bow was unfit for service et though a good gentle kindley gave to me hys that I might use it, 7 so I returned to ye encampment set vp by my lady Margaret et her companion Lord Edwin et spent my time in conuersation wh my lord, et Mistress Giovanna, et my lady, and others as were there. And so also did I speak to Mistress Aramanthra, a grete favorite of mine, and diuers others. 7 so also did I receive a message yt my dear Mistress Ghita sent, carrying news of the grete tourney in the Kingdom of the Middle, declaring yt a new Crown was chosen thereat. But nonetheless, I was sore sorry that I had no games or other diuersions, and near wept with the frustration of having no long time at archery. 7 my lady Margaret provided a splendid meal, but was ill, and could not partake of it herself, and so we soon packed vp ye car and departed again to her home.
On ye day of Mybrad, we met with Mistress Giovanna et her lord, Padruig, with my Lady Margaret, et ate a hearty meal together et shared news of the tourney et other such things as had happened while we were apart, et we ate at a sign yt showed a globe but was not named such. Et thereafter we departed, et spent ye remainder of ye day in trauel, returning vnto Marihaus.
On ye ides of May, I moued me to attend a fair in a place called Ianevil, et saw thereat my lady daughter et her dtr Osmond et son Harold, et so also saw her hosbond receiue of Syr Dafydd some instruccion in ye arte of ye tourney. Et so also did we speak with Geoff of Easley, et Lady Genvieve de Bellville, et listened to a ladies madrigal, et a harpest called Brithwen, et ye Lorde Abelard, et diuers others. & my lord knight had brought with hym a set of armor for youths et babies, et I helped ye village boys to try said things on, yt they might know what it is like to dress in such stuffs, et they were exceedingly pleased to try ym.
But on ys date, while walking to ye Earle’s Chancery, I stumbled et fell, and am sore wounded, and am seen to by one of ye midwyfes, knowing something of stanching blood, et my leg is scratched as if a baited bear had beatan me. Et it aches, 7 I went to market, owing yt tomorrow is a fyssche day, et will instruct my cook to prepare said food in accordance with the way how to make it as I saw from Master Edward H., who doth send about his books of cookery and hath sent one that is of my lord’s native lands called Libre del Coch. And such wholesome thing might tempt him, being he is unwell now, but not so ill as he must have foods for ye inualids.
On ye day of Mybrad, we met with Mistress Giovanna et her lord, Padruig, with my Lady Margaret, et ate a hearty meal together et shared news of the tourney et other such things as had happened while we were apart, et we ate at a sign yt showed a globe but was not named such. Et thereafter we departed, et spent ye remainder of ye day in trauel, returning vnto Marihaus.
On ye ides of May, I moued me to attend a fair in a place called Ianevil, et saw thereat my lady daughter et her dtr Osmond et son Harold, et so also saw her hosbond receiue of Syr Dafydd some instruccion in ye arte of ye tourney. Et so also did we speak with Geoff of Easley, et Lady Genvieve de Bellville, et listened to a ladies madrigal, et a harpest called Brithwen, et ye Lorde Abelard, et diuers others. & my lord knight had brought with hym a set of armor for youths et babies, et I helped ye village boys to try said things on, yt they might know what it is like to dress in such stuffs, et they were exceedingly pleased to try ym.
But on ys date, while walking to ye Earle’s Chancery, I stumbled et fell, and am sore wounded, and am seen to by one of ye midwyfes, knowing something of stanching blood, et my leg is scratched as if a baited bear had beatan me. Et it aches, 7 I went to market, owing yt tomorrow is a fyssche day, et will instruct my cook to prepare said food in accordance with the way how to make it as I saw from Master Edward H., who doth send about his books of cookery and hath sent one that is of my lord’s native lands called Libre del Coch. And such wholesome thing might tempt him, being he is unwell now, but not so ill as he must have foods for ye inualids.
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