Noble Cousin, I greet you well and recomend me vnto you. In our far corner we have heard of your request that all who know you both distant and close should send unto you news of such travels and other diversions as may amuse or enlighten you. As I know not what you recall from our past correspondance, I write with some trepedation, for what is fresh in your memory and what is put aside? Still, as I know you have excellent clerks in your household, I will presume to write with haste, knowing of a certainty that any small detail that does not come quickly to your mind can be tasked to your clerks. Herein, then, find most recent news of our life in this strange land.
I write first with news most happy; our daughter Isobel is returned unto us. Her time at the Court of the great eastern Kyng has changed her much, for she is now as different as the sun is different from the moon. I had thought that perhaps it was mine own sojourn in this strange land that made me see her as changed overmuch, but this alone can not account for the peculiar customs she now practices. She comes to us with a babe, and she does not allow the babee to be swaddled! How shall we assure his right and proper growth if he is allowed to flail about as he does? There is land and title awaiting him when, by grace of God, Mary is removed from her unlawful estate and the proper Prince sits upon England’s throne again. I would not have our heir tainted with the stigma and curse of twisted limbs and back such as those possessed by that BALISIK Richard, of late memory. But she is set as Mistress in her own household, and there is little I can do to influence her. The customs of this land of our exile are as strange as those of the Turks that once held Isobel.
In mine own household, we prepare for the journies that shall commece soon. My well beloved Lord Miguel de Montoya el Artista does prepare for a journey to the south, I recall not where, and I soon must depart on the business of the Prince of this land to the north, a Shire called Turm an dem Sea. My Lord goes on matters of his business, and right good speed and much profit I wish him. I pray you, remember him in your prayers, that he may have success and safety. For myself, I have no concerns, for I shall be on the Kyng’s roads, and am not engaged in business of profit but of study.
With this short missive I recall me to you and wish you well in all your endeavors. It is my hope and my nightly prayer that you and Syr Richard shall continue to prosper.
I am ever your servant, &c.
Merouda Pendray