Dame Merouda Pendray

her chronicle


This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

17 September 2009

On ys day, I received of ye surgeon hys device, et it is a mask yt assists me to breathe. Et it is passing strange, but if it lets me sleep, I shall have no complaint of it. Et I am euer pleased yt this surgeon hath provided the help he swore he could provide, et hath done so quickly, unlike ye other grete learned men I had consulted through these many years. Et if this mask shall help me, then I shall swear off all ye other philosephers of medicine et cleave vnto ys one surgeon et hys helpers.

07 September 2009

On ys day, we arrived home from ye Grete Dragon Faire in ye Barony of South Down, et I am sore tired for ye gret distaunces trauelled et ye businesses conducted. I did have ye pleasure of visiting with many friends thereat, for I saw my lord's man Dana et our lady Susan et many others, but I am right well exhausted, et I pray yt ye surgeon's cure will assist in my affliction.

03 September 2009

Vpon ys date, I set my servants to prepare for a journey to ye New Kingdom of Meridies, for yr is a great gathering there, in ye Barony of South Downs, et my Lord is minded to do some business thereat 7 asks that I attend to ys with him. Et we departed as ye Midnight Office was beginning at ye cathedral.

01 September 2009

On ys date, I returned to Marihaus, hauing been watched by ye seruant as I slept, et already ye surgeon has sent a message vnto me with hys diagnosis et ye way how to cure it. Et I am to trauel again unto ye surgeon near ye ides of September, yt I may receive of the surgeon yt which shall allow me to again sleep.