Vpon this day did I give my counsel unto Their Royal Majesties, that they may know what I know of those whom I do respect. Therewith I did depart and listen for the news of the day, sitting with the Heralds and working vpon a badge to gift unto Margaret. Vpon being commanded to attend Their Majesties in their court, I did avow service and watch as Their Majesties made gifts unto those who have received Their favor. Thereafter, in the presence of the kyng, queen, et all others who did come, did I take the Lady Margaret fitz William of Kent as my vassal, promising her the tillage of lands sufficient to support her in return for her service. So also did I make unto her a gift of near *v* ells of woolen cloth, that she may work into a dress in such form as it pleaseth her to wear, and the simple badge of linen and silk that I did make for her some hours before. An it please the gods, both of us shall benefit from the association.
Hereafter, the news: Their Majesties did command a lord unknown to me, a man called Cecil Hagan, to sit in vigil for the Order of Chivalry. So also did They make Cainnech ruadh macGuairi et Cinniu ingen Cuthbaid bearers of the Order of the Laurel, and Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev a bearer of the Order of the Pelican. So also did their Majesties command a new tax, and spake of coming letters patent that would detail this new fee.
Hereafter, the news: Their Majesties did command a lord unknown to me, a man called Cecil Hagan, to sit in vigil for the Order of Chivalry. So also did They make Cainnech ruadh macGuairi et Cinniu ingen Cuthbaid bearers of the Order of the Laurel, and Aleksandr Vasilevych Lev a bearer of the Order of the Pelican. So also did their Majesties command a new tax, and spake of coming letters patent that would detail this new fee.