On ys day, I did discovere yt my library hath been destroyed, and many of ye books et drawings I did treasure for their smallness were utterly ruined, for not only did ye place where I had stored those things burn, so also were those copies I most diligently prepared destroyed at ye hand of mischance, and thus the work of years is lost. So it was yt when ye missive sent by my good cozin, who doth take the play name of Broom, did arrive, I could not set my hand to answer, distraught as I am over the loss of ye travelling libraries. I pray vnto ye Lord that some fair chance may yet show some portion of ys work safe.
Dame Merouda Pendray
her chronicle
This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.
26 July 2006
11 July 2006
On ys day, naught but work for ye Earle's chancery 7 a little close work. My Lord Miguel is gone unto ye place in ye New Kingdoms called Vanished Woods to work vnder ye instruction of his good cozin and returns 2 days hence. I have sent a mesage forth vnto ye mystress Ghita, asking when I might attend vpon her in order to receive of her ye silks I did offer to buy.
09 July 2006
On ys day we did journey home. We did arive vpon ye estate even as ye storms broke, and did watch the trees bend before ye wind from ye safety of ye manor, and so to bed.
08 July 2006
On ys day, I did spend some little while in viewing ye sundrie tourneys taking place afore noon. So also did I view ye offerings of ye stalls: My lady Margaret supervised the dyers et did put her hand to ye work herself; I did note her dying silk blue and thought the color passing fair. In ye companie of the lord Ivan, I did sit wh several ladies and turn mine own hand vnto embroidery, taking to the fancy of a slip embroidered in ye olden et ancient ways and applied to ye baybee's coat, and so ye baybee shall play at being a Norman. So also did I listen to ye kyng's chorus at rehearsal; I wept for the hearing of it.
At eventide, ye Crown did hold court and give many gifts vnto their subiects, raising the estate of many, but most particularly of ye baroness of Jararvellir et the lady Katriona, now both greatly higher in their magesties esteem, for both are made peers of ye realm.
My lord Miguel returneth thereafter, and I most relieved.
At eventide, ye Crown did hold court and give many gifts vnto their subiects, raising the estate of many, but most particularly of ye baroness of Jararvellir et the lady Katriona, now both greatly higher in their magesties esteem, for both are made peers of ye realm.
My lord Miguel returneth thereafter, and I most relieved.
07 July 2006
On ys day did Miguel take again vnto ye kyng's roads to travel to ye faire in Iola, that he might conduct business thereat. Margaret accompanyeth me vnto the markets and there did I see again the gentle lord who doth travel vnto Morocco whom I last met while in ye company of ye Maestra Ghita vpon ye last Pensic gathering, and I most pleased to see him well. So also did I observe ye works presented vnto ye lady Mairghread 7 noted yt my dependant brother, Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky, did gain especial note for his presentation of an embroidered bag. There also did I meet a man, called Wolfgram, formerly a subiect of ye King of Calontir, who spake vpon ye properties of spruce beer, and gave vnto me a draught thereof et a work vpon ye place of it vpon ye ships of ye Italian, Cristoforo Columbo.
In ye evening, when ye squires and other men at arms were tourneying in ye torchlight for their magestie's pleasue, Their Magesties did announce their intention to increase ye station and estate of ye baroness of Jararvellir.
In ye evening, when ye squires and other men at arms were tourneying in ye torchlight for their magestie's pleasue, Their Magesties did announce their intention to increase ye station and estate of ye baroness of Jararvellir.
06 July 2006
This day, my lady Margaret arriveth. So also did Isabelle of Tor Arie, Mistress Bronwyn et Master Calvin. Thus we wait only for the lord Edwin. My lord Miguel et I did walk through the merchants but there was little yet to see. My Lord made a gift unto me of a pin of amber and silver, in rememberence of ye childe, and I wept for the receiving of it and the memory. So also did I finish ye cap I did work vpon.
05 July 2006
On ys day we arriveth vpon ye field near the Black River and thereupon set up our household to wait vpon ye Crown's pleasure. So also were the lady Larrissa 7 her lord husband Ian encamped nearby, and so also Maestra Giovanna, our belovid cozin, and we spent the evening in merriment among these gossips.