Dame Merouda Pendray

her chronicle


This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

25 December 2006

Vpon ye eve of Christmas, we did host many of the members of ye family, gathered here to merrymake, 7 we were attended vpon by my Lady Isobel, with the baybee, Curnan. So also were we attended vpon by Rosamund, Gerald, their daughter Catlin, her husband James, and their son Kilian. So also Christopher, another child of Rosamund and Gerald. Et ye baybees, Kilian 7 Curnan, behaved well and so have the mark of good breeding vpon ym. Et we made vnto the baybees gifts of toys and clothing, and unto my lady daughter I gifted a purse with forty pounds, and to my lord a figurine, and I received of my Lord a fine trunk of India for my jewels and two figurines.

Isobel 7 I directed ye cooks to prepare a beef and a ham, et sundry vegetables et fruits, and a pottage of mushroom and bacon. And Rosamund and Catlin each brought sweetmeats as gifts and these also were used as ye banquet. And so we ate, and thereafter did all depart vnnto yr lodgings, et Miguel et I engaged a storyteller vntil such time as we desired to depart vnto bed.

18 December 2006

Vpon ye invitation of ye crown, I did attend ye masque called Boar's Head. Vpon yt day, Alice 7 Valarius did confirm their desire to be relieved of their offices and ye crown appointed Alisdair 7 Kateryn to take the place of ye said Alice and Valarius. Et many wept for their departing, but so also did many reioice at the other's arrival.

So also did ye Crown and Tanist of the New Kingdom to ye south attend ye masque, and I was minded of much of ye history of ys new kingdom, and thought vpon ye many times I have waited vpon these same people, for the Crown condescended to honor two boys yt I knew in the days yt they were more pleased by sweetmeats and playthings yn ye note of ye Crown, and now they will soon enow be fit for ye jousts and wars.

I sought but did not find the Lady Anne, who makes the seething pots I did order. Her man delivered unto me the message yt ye pots are not yet done and doth beg indulgence yt she may try again to complete ym.

I travelled therefrom with Thorvald Redhair, Maistra Ghita, Suiliean, et their householders, to meet my Lord at the Inn at Backe's Arms, but sadly had to leave my lady Margaret at ye masque.

Vpon ye day called Consualia by ye Romans, my Lord and I did attend a feast given for ye secretaries and others at ye Earle's Chancery, and we ate of many delicasies 7 daunced 7 enioyed other such pleasentries as ye Earle was minded to have arranged.

I did receivea purse of ye Marchioness vpon ys day and yn home and then to bed.

06 December 2006

On ys Feast of Saint Nicholas, we accompanied M. de Keith, who hath been abroad in ye Holy Roman Empire and hath returned home with a cook from Lower Saxony, to a meal in celebration of ye day. My lord Miguel and I ate with pleasure of the offerings and found it delightful.

So also on ys day did I receive of ye Lady Elaine Halevy a gift of sweet cakes made wh ye dark and flavorful powder she hath obtained from ye spicers and sometimes used by ye Italians.

On ye eve of ye feast of Nicholas, I had of ye Earle's chancery a small gift of sweetmeats, and have set ym to side yt I may serve ym forth on ye occasion of ye first night of Christmas, having received of Rosamund and Gerald ye news yt they, with my lord's sister, will travel from ye far estate 7 arrive here vpon yt date.