Dame Merouda Pendray

her chronicle


This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

28 April 2007

On ys day, my Lord et I, with ye baybee Curnan, travelled vnto Iaraueller to meet with his lady sister Catlin et her husband et sonne. And once thereat, we gained permission to visit ye menagerie of ye Lord Mayor et we were provided with sausages et bread at repast from his kitchen. Ye Lord Mayor's servant was a dullard, a doltish ronyon, methinks, drunken and slow, et I greatly surprised to see so poor a servant there.

27 April 2007

Vpon ye ides of April, ye Lady Morwenna sent vnto me a basket of duck eggs as a token of her friendship, et I most gladly received them of her, and in turn gave her leave to study in my library, which she did that very day. Alas, she has since sent vnto us ye news yt her lord husband did not safeguard the fowlhouse on St. Mark's eve and so all ye byrds et eggs are lost for ys season, having been eaten to a one by ye wild dogs vpon her lands.

21 April 2007

Vpon ys day I received *iij* of ye books I had sent for 7 paid out ye letter of credit sent therewith. So also did I newly apply ye embroidery yt I had made some years ago et removed from ye gonfalon vpon which I had it placed, a little picture of of a woman in blue kirtle, to a piece of velvet ye which to be used to cover a cushion 7 wrote out ye instructions therefore.

20 April 2007

Vpon ys day I received of ye Baroness ye news yt ye Lord Donato hath died; et I sorrowe to learn of it, 7 said prayers in rememberance of him and his lady wyfe, Ayesha, who I had held in great esteem.

Et so also did I receive injury whilst riding in my carriage, there being a cart behind me and unable to stop before stiking me. Et so I sent for one of ye sheriff's men, and caused him to record ye name of ye cart driver, et I to home to bed, for ye sufferings made me fit for naught else.

19 April 2007

Vpon ys day, I sent a purse of *l* sovereigns vnto ye scriptorium of ye Welsh whereat is made a copy of ye Holy Bible in englysch, and bade ym enter ye name of my lady mother et ye baybee of late memory into yr boke.