Dame Merouda Pendray

her chronicle


This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

23 November 2007

Vpon ys day, my lady daughter and her two baybees arrived and spent the day in quiet pastimes, for I still most ill and can attend to little.

So also on this day did my Lord returneth from his service to M. de Clint, 7 we spake on ye issue of his man, and though I not yet be settled to him staying within Marihaus, I am willing to let it be so for some brief time, and have allowed yt he may lodge below stairs 7 give such service and payment as shall be arranged in exchange for lodging et seat at table; my Lord's man remains committed to other masters and so can not take directly to our service, but neither can he be boarded as a guest.

22 November 2007

Vpon Saint Cecilia's day, my Lord's man Christopher presented himself vnto me and prayed that I take him in, having been reduced in his lodging and vnwilling to suffer such slight at the hands of his other master. 7 I let him within, though I know not for how long, and will give him work and food as may be had vntil such time as my Lord returneth, or his man offendeth me.

21 November 2007

Vpon ys day, after returning from ye Earle's Chancery, I betook me to my chambers, for I am again ill, and am little able to remain about, 7 have sent word vnto Baldwyn of Foxvale that I will not be at his estate for ye festival he had invited me to attend vpon ye morrow, as I am too ill to trauel. It would quiet me greatly were my Lord to return.

16 November 2007

Vpon ye eve of St Edmund Ryche, my Lord trauelled forth vnto Vanished Woods in ye New Kingdom to ye south, to do good service in ye house of M. de Clint, having received of him a letter requesting my Lord might help him and the said letter so doleful a plea that my Lord could not stay from him, nor I in good conscience attempt to turn him from going. 7 we know not when my Lord shall return but hope it be right quickly.