On ys day, my Lady daughter hath bourne a daughter whom she hath named Osmond. Et ye babe is lusty 7 well-formed, 7 I have held her and superuised her nurse at ye babe's fisrt bath. Et my Lady daughter's hosband, Edward, wept to have his chylde in his arms.
Dame Merouda Pendray
her chronicle
This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.
31 March 2009
29 March 2009
On ys day, I received more news of ye terrible flooding in ys New Kingdom, far to ye west in ye Shire of Korsvag, 7 wept to learn of it. Though no subiect of ye Crown hath perished or sufferred grete loss, many are driven from yr homes 7 among those yt are not subiect to ye Crown their hath been much destuction. Euan ye noblest of ye Crown's subiects yr, ye Duchess Fina, hath sent word yt she stands beside all yt dewll thereat to fight against ye rising waters lest their homes be destroyed. 7 I pray yt ye Lord in His mercy shew them relief from their trauail.
26 March 2009
On ys day, little but my usual work. Of good note, my Lady daughter 7 her sonnes met with me at an inn yt serves food from ye lands of ye kingdom of Ayutthaya, with whom the Portugese hath so recently discouered and trade with much to yr profit. 7 the food was of strange nature 7 served forth in a straunge way, but of delicate and wholesome flavor, and I not displeased with this, though I found ye fissh cooked in a new sort of milk to be more plesaunt than the noodles which were neither sweet nor spiced in proprer proportion.
Et so also did the Lady Isobel speak to me on her concerns regarding the baby she now carries, and she prays that she shall bear a girl this time, and I hope for this as well. The babe arrives soon enough, sooner than expected, for my lady daughter complains of many of they symptoms that come before she goes to childbed, and I am most worried to see her away from her chambers and her physick when seeming so near to her time.
Et so also did the Lady Isobel speak to me on her concerns regarding the baby she now carries, and she prays that she shall bear a girl this time, and I hope for this as well. The babe arrives soon enough, sooner than expected, for my lady daughter complains of many of they symptoms that come before she goes to childbed, and I am most worried to see her away from her chambers and her physick when seeming so near to her time.
25 March 2009
On ys day, I received news of the death of ye hosband of Cybele de Rowangrove, who had once a work commissioned of me by ye Coronet. And his name was David ye Thirsty, and though I knew him not, I am saddened yt one who was a good friend to many hath died.
Vpon ye day after the Feast of St. Benedict, I received ye new bow I hath commissioned, and it is of a weight yt many a man can not pull; I think none shall mete my worth less for being a woman in this hunt owning to my strength. And ys new bow came through ye bowyer of Westtown, 7 I am minded to send vnto Jack Flanders for new arrows to be delivered to me before I depart for ye Fesitval called Camelot to ye westernmost lands of ys New Kingdom.
Vpon ye day after the Feast of St. Benedict, I received ye new bow I hath commissioned, and it is of a weight yt many a man can not pull; I think none shall mete my worth less for being a woman in this hunt owning to my strength. And ys new bow came through ye bowyer of Westtown, 7 I am minded to send vnto Jack Flanders for new arrows to be delivered to me before I depart for ye Fesitval called Camelot to ye westernmost lands of ys New Kingdom.