Dame Merouda Pendray

her chronicle


This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.

26 May 2010

On ys day, I visited ye kitchens et noted that it is become too hot already and have determined yt a summer kitchen must be built, 7 set to order, 7 vsed, owing to the grete heat yt seethe into ye house from ye closeness of the kitchens. But said summer kitchen shall not be ouer big, but only of a small enough size, for it is unwise to spend too much on such a building to be used only at such tymes. But nonetheless, this is added to my list of items yt must be done to recouer from yese last yeres. & ye heat of ys season is too much, 7 I can little recall so hot a May.

7 so also on ys day, I receiued of ye Marchoness a letter of credit for some 12 soueriegn and seueral shillings, et am to take it to ye stores at Bosten. And so also did she invite all at ye Chancery et others of her household to eat al fresco 7 set her men to cook beef over flames, et I had no veil or mask for my face and could find no shade and so have had my skin marred by ye sun, but not to my discomfort, et I most thankful for that.

19 May 2010

On ys day, I moved me to walk about ye estate at Marihaus et determine what thyngs must be done, owing to having neglected much during ys grete illness.

Item: ye meshes at ye first door, ye field door, & ye grete window in my apartment needs must be mended.

item: ye field dore et ye stable dores must be whitewashed, as must ye whole stable, et ye steppes vnto ye field door.

item: ye bottom boards of ye stable must be replaced.

item: ye near garden must be weeded, et so also all ye far gardens. Et ye east field needs must be mown.

item: ye tree I obrtained some weeks ago must be planted, et seedlings set out.

item: ye clothing yt I can make no more of must be seperated out, yt it may be sent as alms vnto ye poor or sold vnto ye rag & bone man, each piece in accordance with its repair.

item: ye archery equipment must be seen to, et ye butts rebuilt.