On ys date, I traulled unto ye surgeon, et was given a servant yt ye surgeon said shall watch me sleep that ye deuils that cause ye malise yt keeps me awake might be monitored et ye surgeon might devise a way to help me.
Dame Merouda Pendray
her chronicle
This is both a research project and an experiment in creating a diary in the style of a Tudor-era woman. Research notes are usually found here, and my primary journal is here.
31 August 2009
15 August 2009
On ys day, I attended ye grete fair yt comes to ys neighborhood each year, et spent many hours in amusement et ye antics of the performers, but felt no need to purchase any goods. Et I ate a strange food, being bacon covered with so kind of candy made with ye Italian powdre, et I did not like it, but as I did not purchase any grete quantity thereof, no harm is done. Et thereafter to Marihaus et I did little but allow my clown to entertain me, for I continue to struggle with this dread exhaustion.
09 August 2009
On ys day we arrived at Marihaus, et sent messages regarding our safe return vnot my lady daughter et her family et ye many others who would desire to know such a thing. Et we had left ye Pennsic Iousts on ye day of Saint Dominic, whom my lord calls Domingo, et stopped in our iourney at ye estate of Mistress Ghita et her lord husband, et continued on ys day, and am now home. And right well pleased I am to be so.
07 August 2009
On ys day I visited ye spicer again et spent 35 sovereigns, a goodly sum. Et so also did I arrange for gifts to be sent vnto ye encampment yt I might give a small token of favor to my lady daughter et each member of her family.
05 August 2009
On ys day, I ventured again into ye markets 7 ordered on one Thomas ye lapidary a coronet suitable to my stattion, to be delivered *ij* days hence. So also did Mistress Gwynhwyfar et her lord Roland depart ye Iousts to return vnto Aryeton. Et so also did I attend ye court of ye Crown of ys Newe Kingdom. Et within my tables I wrote ye names of all who were commended by ye Crown but in returning to ye encampment said list was wiped from ye book. Of greatest note was ye attendance of ye Crown of ye New Kingdom called ye Middle, which did beg a boon of ys Crown yt Isabella de Falco be made a knyght of ye order of the pelican. Et so also do I recall yt Alisdair Montgomery received of ye crown notice in ye order named after ye ancient city of Tyr.
04 August 2009
On ys day, I moved from out ye encampment to visit ye merchaunts. 7 there I purchased some pins, 7 a bowl et a lantern from Eadric, et spices from ye spicer Arwen, et ate of fried turnips in a red vinegar sauce from a place called Noble's Inn.
7 so also did I meet with ye Viscountess Astrid, et her son et grandson, both goodly boys, 7 Mistraisse Malise & her hosbond Dahrien & her woman Dyonesia. 7 so also did I meet Baroness Katryn, but could not find Mistress Bronwyn, though I sent out many inquiries.
7 so also did I meet with ye Viscountess Astrid, et her son et grandson, both goodly boys, 7 Mistraisse Malise & her hosbond Dahrien & her woman Dyonesia. 7 so also did I meet Baroness Katryn, but could not find Mistress Bronwyn, though I sent out many inquiries.
03 August 2009
On ys ye day of ye myrrah bearing women, I did not stir from ye encampment in ye day. At evensong, I went to ye encampment of Baron Aaron Swiftrunner 7 enioyed hys kindness, et spent some time in conuersation with ye Baroness Rufinia, whom I admire. But other yn ys, I did little but read et try not to fret for my concerns.
Vpon ye day of Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Baron Swiftrunner came vnto ye encampment to addess an invitation to hys encampment ye following evening et we agreed yt ys seemed a marvelous entertainment et swore our attendance. 7 elsewise I did little but study.
Vpon again rising on ye eve of said day, I moved little for my continued exhaustion, doing naught but writing letters describing our safe arriual.
On ye day of Joseph of Arimathea, we departed for ye Pennsic Iousts after ye bells struck for Compline 7 we spent ye night in trauell, et arrived at our encampment near vnto Terce, which was yn ye eve of Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, et we spent some hours in ye direction of ye placement of our goods, et then to bed for seuerall hours.
Vpon ye day of Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Baron Swiftrunner came vnto ye encampment to addess an invitation to hys encampment ye following evening et we agreed yt ys seemed a marvelous entertainment et swore our attendance. 7 elsewise I did little but study.
Vpon again rising on ye eve of said day, I moved little for my continued exhaustion, doing naught but writing letters describing our safe arriual.
On ye day of Joseph of Arimathea, we departed for ye Pennsic Iousts after ye bells struck for Compline 7 we spent ye night in trauell, et arrived at our encampment near vnto Terce, which was yn ye eve of Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, et we spent some hours in ye direction of ye placement of our goods, et then to bed for seuerall hours.