Thereafter we trauelled unto Wylcliffe to see what improvements have been made, as my lord's man Christopher hath been installed there to ensure such work occureth; 7 the work comes apace quickly, and many improvements have been made to the manor. My Lord has agreed yt I shall have the design of ye back wing according to my pleasure et so I spoke with Christopher about ys, 7 it is something yt may be done, et I most happi for this. 7 thereafter we spent a great deal of time touring ye lands to see what damage hat been wrought by ye floods of ys yr, and noted many improvements yt have been made in our absence to ye roads that we think no improvement at all.
Et I boarded with ye lady Catlin et her lord Iames, for Wylcliffe is not in fit state for a lady of my station, ye changes be so grete. But thereafter to Marihaus, et the trip smooth 7 of no note.